Topic: neovim

Discovering extensions with coc-marketplace

What is coc-marketplace? This extension is a marketplace for all other coc-extensions Note You will…

Codi - An Interactive Scratchpad for Hackers

What is Codi? Codi is an interactive scratchpad for hackers. It opens virtual text which displays…

Snippets with CoC

Install Make sure you install CoC, I have a video for that here After setting up CoC you can install…


Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Floaterm Floaterm is a floating…


Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Sneak Sneak is a motion plugin for vim…


Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Quickscope Form the github repo: "An…

Which Key

Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Which Key From the github repo: "vim…

Git integration

Plugins We're going to be looking at 4 plugins that bring a good integrate git experience to Neovim…

Project Management with Startify

Plug in Startify Create a config file Sessions This plugin will let us manage our sessions very…

Integrate Neovim with FZF & more

Install FZF, Ripgrep, Universal-ctags, Silver-searcher First let's just install a bunch of awesome…