var, let, const

One of the first features you may have noticed in ES6 is a new way to declare variables (and now constants) with let and const instead of just var.

These new keywords are used to create Block Scoped variables and constants.

Variable declarations with var were only capable of Global Scope and Function Scope

All three keywords are capable of Global Scope

Keyword Behavior

Below is a table you can quickly reference explaining the differences. If you are looking for a recommendation for which ones to use in what scenarios here is my recommendation:

  • Avoid using var
  • Use const wherever possible
  • When you have a variable you expect will change over time use let
Keyword Scope Redefinable Redeclarable Hoisting
var function
let block
const block

Function Scope

Notice in the following code snippet we can access all of the variables from within the function.

Now that we have moved the log statements outside of the function you'll see we end up with a reference error.

Block Scope

In the following example var1 will be accessible outside of the if statement which is considered a block. Both let and const will be confined to the if block.

Redefining keywords

You will be able to redefine variables declared with var.

You will also be able to redefine variables declared with let.

This should go without saying but you can't redefine a constant declared with const it will throw a type error.

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