What to do after installing Arch Linux

Setup your network

Enable NetworkManager service

Connect to Network

Here we will simply add a new user to our system and give them wheel access

Add a user

  • Add user
  • Create password

Switch users

To switch to your user run:

Giving your user access to sudo

Make sure you have vi installed


and uncomment this line so it looks like this

if you hate typing your password everytime like me do this instead

Need more?

check out man pages for the following:

  • useradd
  • userdel
  • groupadd
  • groupdel

you can do this by typing:

Install Xorg

Installing a DM

Enable lightdm service

List our enabled services

Install i3wm (or any WM or DE)

I'm using i3 but you can install any WM or DE you like best

Here are some WM options:

  • dwm
  • awesome
  • bspwm
  • xmonad

Here are some DE options:

  • XFCE
  • KDE
  • Gnome

Install DE (Optional)

Install a terminal emulator

I'm using Alacritty but you can install any terminal emulator you want

Here are some options:

  • st
  • rxvt-unicode
  • termite
  • terminator

Install a web browser and file manager

We're done

You can now reboot into your new system!

Tagged in archlinux