Intro to Spring Boot
Code can be found here
This is a spring boot application which provides REST endpoints to perform CRUD operations on topics and related courses
The project comes with a wrapper for Maven mvnw
to create the jar
simply run the following:
To start the application run the following:
This will start a tomcat server on port 8080
It will also start actuator on port 9001
And you can use a tool like Postman to make requests.
We are also using an embedded database Apache Derby
This project handles GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests for topics and their courses
Here are a few example calls you can make:
Topic CRUD operations
- get all
- get particular topic
- post topic
- put topic
make sure you pass an updated body
- delete topic
Course CRUD operations
- get all
- get particular topic
- post topic
- put topic
make sure you pass an updated body
- delete topic