Make sure you have a user already Install Xorg Install git Install a browser Create a config…
What is coc-marketplace? This extension is a marketplace for all other coc-extensions Note You will…
What is Codi? Codi is an interactive scratchpad for hackers. It opens virtual text which displays…
What are Nerd Fonts? From the repo: "Nerd Fonts is a project that patches developer targeted fonts…
What is Alacritty? Alacritty bills itself as the fastest terminal emulator in existence. From the…
Install Make sure you install CoC, I have a video for that here After setting up CoC you can install…
What is a Primitive Operation? A basic computation performed by an algorithm Identifiable in…
Packages we will need i3wm terminal X utilities autotiling Note If you want autotiling on Ubuntu or…
Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Floaterm Floaterm is a floating…
What is the AUR? The AUR is the Arch User Repository, it essentially holds a bunch of packages from…