Install colorizer Configuration Create a place for lua plugins Add the following: Remember to source…
Install commentary Configuration This is my preferred way to use this tool Just press / and it will…
Install Ranger Mac Ubuntu Arch Install Ranger devicons You can now add to your Install Ueberzug…
Install coc-explorer This install will be a little different and if you've been following along you…
Plugin Airline and Airline themes Add the following to Create config Create theme file for airline…
Conquerer of Completion This plugin is too featureful (bloated) to explain in a single blog post…
Plugin your theme First open vim plug and add your theme, you can add as many themes as you want…
General Setings To include some basics in your config first create a directory called general and a…
Installing Neovim On Mac Ubuntu Arch Create config Make directory for your Neovim config Create an…